Aeroponics…The Environmental Impact

The salad that you eat for lunch has been on a very long journey, from the farmer’s field to the distribution centre, then to your local supermarket and finally at your home, this can take up to two weeks. This reduces your food’s freshness, lowers nutritional quality, you have no way of controlling the amount of chemicals involved, even for more expensive “organic” crops and it also compromises taste and generates pollution with a massive impact on the carbon footprint. Growing with EcoTower requires 95% less water and 99% less land!

With EcoTower our customers get a lot MORE healthy freshness and taste, with a lot LESS impact on the planet.
Both aeroponics and hydroponics are regarded to be less harsh on the earth than traditional farming, with neither requiring the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. However, there are some differences in the number of resources used between both systems. Hydroponics requires much larger quantities of water to operate, as well as four times the amount of nutrients needed to grow a plant using the aeroponics method.

Because of this, aeroponics has been developed to compete with the problems that arise from climate change, diminishing farmland, and the building of large housing and urban centers. It uses 99% less land than traditional farming methods, 95% less water, and is 100% controlled, allowing for crops to be grown year-round using fewer resources.

Aeroponics is a revolutionary, indoor vertical farming approach that allows us to grow fresh greens and herbs 365 days a year—even when fields are scorched by heat or temperatures plummet below zero.

This is the ideal solution to environmental, financial and energy efficient issues present in our world system today.

It is easy maintanance and the available to everybody on both a financial, material and educational level. Allow us to inform you and enrich you…. Ideal for children to learn and grow as the co creators of tomorrow!

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